Policies & Procedures
Campus Locations & Maps
- Visit https://www.tcl.edu/about-tcl/campuses-maps/ to see our locations and to download detailed maps.
Frequently Requested Forms & Instructions for TCL Employees:
- HR Forms
- Agreements:
- Important TCL Contacts
- Ordering Supplies
- Self-Service: Retrieve Earning Statements and Electronic W-2
- Skillsoft: Mandatory and Assigned Training
- Office fob/keys and Parking decals (TBA)
- Travel Request Process (TBA)
Frequently Requested Websites:
- Emergency Text Alert System
- Access TCL Email
- Access Self Service
- eLeave Guide TCL 2-7-12
- eLeave: Online Leave System (Time Entry)
“How To” Videos (be sure to turn up volume):
- Access Voicemail
- eLeave timesheets for Non-Exempt Staff (Permanent Staff)
- eLeave Training for Supervisors
- eMail Out of Office Assistant
- Extended Absence Message-Voicemail
- TCL Campus Telephones
(When opening the tutorial, you may be required to Select for “Adobe Flash” and “Allow Once”)