Everything you need to pass the test. Our course covers all 120+ knowledge concepts across 70+ video-based lectures that the FAA requires drone pilots to learn in the UAS Airman Certification Standards
Bonus lessons with practical flight knowledge. All students get access to our Knowledge Base with 100+ FAQ and our top 15 drone training exercises to help you feel more confident when taking flight. Guided Study students will have additional benefits like access to pricing strategies for drone services, business tools & tips, airspace research and mission planning, and best practices for taking drone photos and videos.
A live weekly Zoom webinar, “Ready for Takeoff” with our Part 107 expert instructor. Plus, you’ll get unlimited practice exams that include 350+ real FAA test questions.
This course prepares students to take the Unmanned Aircraft General – Small (UAG) certification exam.
Course Outline:
Lesson 1: Welcome
Lesson 2: Drone Rules and FAA Regulations
- The Basics of Part 107 Regulations
- Crew Member Definitions
- Registering Your Drone
- Reporting an Accident or In-Flight Emergency
- Operating Limitations: Height, Speed, Minimum Visibility and Cloud Clearance
- FAA Compliance: Flight Logging, Inspections and Required Documents
- Flying From a Moving Vehicle
- Flying at Night
- Flying Over People and Moving Vehicles
- Flying Visual Line-of-Sight
- Alcohol, Drugs and Physiology
- Airspace Authorization and Waivers
Lesson 3: National Airspace System (NAS)
- Class B Airspace
- Class C Airspace
- Class D Airspace
- Class E Airspace
- Class G Airspace
- Special Use Airspace
- Military Training Routes (MTRs)
- TFRs and NOTAMs
Lesson 4: Reading Sectional Charts
- What’s a Sectional Chart?
- Latitude and Longitude
- VFR Checkpoints
- Notification Boxes
- MSL vs. AGL
- Airports and Radio Frequencies
- Isogonic Lines
- Maximum Elevation Figures
- Victor Airways
- Advanced Sectional Chart Interpretation
Lesson 5: Airport Operations
- Reading a Chart Supplement
- Runways and Traffic Patterns
- Right of Way
- Towered vs. Untowered Airports
Lesson 6: Weather and Micrometeorology
- Standard Conditions and Density Altitude
- Wind and Currents
- Moisture, Fog and Frost
- Reading a METAR Report
- Reading a TAF Report
- Operating in Extreme Weather
- Clouds, Ceilings and Visibility
- Stable vs. Unstable Air (Understanding Air Masses)
Lesson 7: Drone Flight Operations
- Hazardous Flight Operations
- Emergency Operations
- Lost Link Procedures
- LiPo Batteries
- Aeronautical Decision-Making (ADM)
- Crew Resource Management (CRM)
- 5 Hazardous Attitudes
- Radio Communications
- UAS Loading and Performance
- UAS Maintenance and Inspection
- Pre-Flight Checklist
Lesson 8: Practice Tests, Cram Sheet & FAA Exam Information
Lesson 9: Bonus Lessons
- 100+ FAQ in Knowledge Base
- Top 15 Drone Training Exercises
- Drone Services Pricing & Business Tips
- Airspace Research & Mission Planning
- Drone Photo & Video Tips
Lesson 10: Getting Recertified // FAA Recurrent Knowledge Training
Delivery: Online Self-paced. 12 months.
20 Hours
All necessary course materials are included.
This course prepares students to take the Unmanned Aircraft General – Small (UAG) certification exam.
To become a pilot you must:
- Be at least 16 years old
- Be able to read, speak, write, and understand English
- Be in a physical and mental condition to safely fly a drone
- Pass the initial aeronautical knowledge exam: “Unmanned Aircraft General – Small (UAG)”
Requirements for Remote Pilot Certificate:
- Must be easily accessible by the remote pilot during all UAS operations
- Certificate holders must complete an online recurrent training every 24 calendar months to maintain aeronautical knowledge recency
Internet Connectivity Requirements:
- Cable and DSL internet connections are recommended for the best experience.
Hardware Requirements:
- CPU: 1 GHz or higher
- RAM: 2 GB or higher
- Resolution: 1280 x 720 or higher
- Speakers / Headphones
- Microphone (Webinar / Live Online sessions)
Operating System Requirements:
- Microsoft Windows 7 or 10 (Home, Pro)
- Mac OSX 10 or higher.
- Latest Chrome OS
- Latest Linux Distributions
NOTE: While we understand that our courses can be viewed on Android and iPhone devices, we do not recommend the use of these devices for our courses. The size of these devices do not provide a good learning environment for students taking online or live online based courses.
Web Browser Requirements:
- Latest Google Chrome is recommended for the best experience.
- Latest Mozilla FireFox
- Latest Microsoft Edge
- Latest Apple Safari
Basic Software Requirements (These are recommendations of software to use):
- Office suite software (Microsoft Office, OpenOffice, or LibreOffice)
- PDF reader program (Adobe Reader, FoxIt)
- Courses may require other software that is denoted in the above course outline.
For more information and to enroll please call, email or visit us:
Beaufort Mather Campus
Coleman Hall (Building 2)
Beaufort South Carolina
Monday–Thursday, 8:30AM to 5:30PM