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TCL Area Commission Annual Planning Retreat

Culinary Institute of the South

Public Comment:   areacommission@tcl.edu



  1. Order and Welcome                                                                          
  2. Approval of Agenda                                                                                      
  3. Consent Agenda                                                                             
  4. Policies for Approval                                                                       
  5. Reaffirmation of Mission Statement                                               
  6. Reaffirmation of Commission By Laws                                            
  7. Ethics and Standards of Good Legal Practice 
  8. Capital Projects  
  9. Lunch  
  10. Pathways to the Future 
  11. SCATCC Report 
  12. Presidential Medallion    
  13. President’s Report       
  14. Chairman’s Report     
  15. Adjournment                                                                                     


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