TCL Guarantors Program
TCL Guarantors Program the college’s Student Emergency Fund, helps deserving students who are faced with financial challenges to stay in school. Guarantor funds may support tuition, books and fees as well as other expenses and financial hardships that impact a student’s capacity to stay in school and succeed in his or her program of study.
How to Apply for Guarantor Support
Applicant must be able to prove financial hardship, have completed a minimum of 6 credit hours at TCL and be currently enrolled at TCL for a minimum of 6 credit hours. To be considered for support, you must be able to demonstrate academic progress within your program of study. *Students on Academic Probation are not eligible for consideration.
Pre-Application Requirements:
- Schedule a pre-application meeting with the TCL Foundation. Contact Jessica Bridges, Assistant Vice President for Institutional Advancement at 843.525.8294 or by email at to set an appointment. Students may not proceed with application until a pre-application meeting has been held.
Application package requirements:
- A letter to the Guarantors Program asking for consideration. The letter should include the dollar amount of the request and a description of the circumstance. For example, “I’m requesting Guarantor support to buy text books.” Or, “I’m requesting Guarantor support to cover the cost of temporary transportation.” In the letter, explain the financial circumstance and its impact on your capacity to stay in school. Additionally, include a “Personal Plan of Action” statement in your letter that explains how a Guarantor award will support your ability to remain in school and how the funds will contribute to helping you successfully resolve your financial hardship. Contact information and your student ID number should also be included in your letter.
- Letter of Request
- Include verification of special financial hardship;
- A printed copy of your WebAdvisor ‘Student Financial Aid By Year’ screen and;
- A printed copy of your WebAdvisor ‘Student Account Summary’ screen are required.
- *Other Financial Documentation
*Other examples of applicable verification of hardship may be a utility bill or rent agreement. If book funds are requested, the verification must include a bookstore print out (bookstore or web version) of the required course materials showing the exact cost of the books and/or other course materials.
• Advocacy on your behalf by two or more faculty members. This advocacy can be in the form of an email, a letter, or in-person to the majority of the Guarantor’s Committee. Faculty advocates must demonstrate knowledge of your request. For example, if you are seeking support to buy text books, your faculty advocates must state this in their letter or email: “I support John’s request for text book support…”. *Advocacy letters may not be requested from College Administration, staff or counselors.
- Advocacy Letter-1
- Advocacy Letter-2
• An unofficial copy of your student transcript. This is available through WebAdvisor.
- Unofficial Transcript
- The application package may be submitted in-person to the TCL Foundation Office Monday-Thursday, 8:00 AM-5:30 PM, and Friday 8:00-11:30 AM. Application packages may also be placed in the TCL Foundation drop box at any time. The TCL Foundation Office and drop box is located in MacLean Hall (Building 12), Room #210.
- Foundation staff will forward the application package to the Guarantor Committee. The Committee, made up of TCL faculty, will make Guarantor award decisions.
- The Guarantor Committee will review requests and make awards within 48 hours of submission of a complete application package.
- TCL Foundation staff will notify applicants of the Committee’s decision.
Program funds are made possible through the generosity of benefactors to the TCL Guarantors Program.
- Upon award, recipients are required to submit a thank-you letter to the Guarantors prior to the release of award funds. The Foundation will forward the note of appreciation to the donors on your behalf. Completed thank-you notes may be emailed to Jessica Bridges, Associate Director TCL Foundation, at, dropped off to the Foundation office M-Th, 8 AM-5 PM, Fri. 8-11:30 AM or drop-box in Building 12, Suite 210, or mailed to the TCL Foundation, PO Box 2614, Beaufort, SC 29901.
About the TCL Foundation
The Technical College of the Lowcountry Foundation has awarded more than two million dollars in scholarship funds since its founding in 1983. Lowcountry donors have made significant contributions to the Foundation scholarship funds allowing talented individuals to obtain the education and training needed for new and better jobs.