MILITARY SPOUSE: MyCAA (Military Spouse Career Advancement Account) Scholarship Information

  • Active Duty Military Spouses Only* – Apply for the MyCAA (Military Spouse Career Advancement Account) Scholarship on Please contact the Education Office on-base or a MyCAA Career Coach at 1-800-342-9647 for more information on how to apply.
  • Spouses of service members on active duty in pay grades E-1 to E-5, W-1 to W-2 and O-1 to O-2 can potentially begin and complete their college coursework while their military sponsor is on Title 10 military orders, including spouses married to members of the National Guard and reserve component in these same pay grades. Please contact the Education Office on base for more information on how to apply.
  • Once registered for classes, our team can complete the Education Training Plan (ETP) as needed for your MyCAA request to be approved.
  • Submit your MyCAA Scholarship Voucher to the Cashier’s Office at or inside Building 3 each semester.
  • If you have a remaining balance, you can make payments online on your Self Service account or inside the Cashier’s Office inside Building 3. They accept cash, check, Visa, MasterCard, or American Express.

Need Help?

Christina Schatzle
Director of Military and Veteran Programs
Phone: 843-525-8358

VA School Certifying Official:

On Base:

Travis Newman
Veterans Enrollment Counselor

Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island
Mondays — 0900–1300
Phone: 843-228-2659

Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort
Tuesdays & Thursdays — 0900–1300
Phone: 843-228-7494

Enrollment Info for:

Special Military Programs:

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