Enrollment Verification

Students can obtain an Enrollment Verification from the Student Records office on the Beaufort campus or the Student Services office at the New River campus by presenting a photo ID.

Distance Learning students in need of an Enrollment Verification should submit a written, signed request (note that a student signature is required) to Student Records or scan and e-mail a copy of a signed, written request to srecords@tcl.edu.

In addition, The National Student Clearinghouse is now TCL’s authorized agent for providing enrollment and degree verifications.

The National Student Clearinghouse can be contacted at:

Web enrollment: www.enrollmentverify.org

Degree: www.degreeverify.org

National Student Clearinghouse
13454 Sunrise Valley Drive, Suite 300
Herndon, VA 20171

Telephone: Customer service 703.742.4200

Fax: 703.742.7792

Email: service@studentclearinghouse.org

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