All tutoring services are offered Free of charge to all currently enrolled TCL students.
Welcome to the Tutoring Center! Our tutors are here to assist you in a variety of ways to meet your academic needs, and they are committed to ensuring this support enhances your academic experience while a student at TCL. Please visit our Tutoring Center locations at either the Beaufort or New River campuses or take a look at our guided information to determine the tutoring mode most conducive to your learning style or academic need.
Contact Us
Jody Cummins
Director for Tutoring Services
Instructional Support Services
Bld 9, Rm 129, Beaufort Mather Campus
Math Lab
Instructional Support Services
Bld. 9, Rm. 101, Beaufort Mather Campus
Rm. 111-B, New River Campu
Writing/Reading Lab
843-525-8221 (Main Number)
Instructional Support Services
Bld. 9, Rm. 127, Beaufort Mather Campus
Rm. 111-A, New River Campus